16 October 2008

Programming Note: Internet Availability

Thank you to all those of you who continue to email me with comments and tips and whatnot. I really appreciate it. I apologize for not taking the time to get back to all of you or even having the opportunity to post a fraction of the many good links and youtube videos and quotes you all send me.

With no internet at my flat, I'm only able to access the wonderful web once-a-day and when I do, I'm inundated with 70-80 emails, at least. I try and schedule posts for the times when I won't have access to Al Gore's baby, which leaves me a little less timely than I tried to be in the past.

Bear with me. It will get better.

Keep sending stuff--comments, links, vids, etc.--and be patient as I sort through all the various housecleaning details.


If you have tips, questions, comments or suggestions, email me at lybberty@gmail.com.
