12 October 2005

Notes on Cell Phone Etiquette

Are these things only problems in Provo?

1. Present company should be priveleged over phone conversations. If you are engaged socially with a group or a date and it is not a pressing call, simply decline or allow it to go to voicemail.

2. Current phone calls should be privileged over incoming calls. In other words, begin and end one conversation before starting another one. I am of the opinion that call waiting is among the ultimate insults. Set your phone so that calls go straight to voicemail while you are speaking with someone else. Obvious exceptions to this rule are in the case of emergency--but honestly, how many emergency phone calls require you to end what is generally a five minute (max) phone call just one minute early? Is it life or death?

3. When you call it is your responsibility to end the conversation. Do so cordially and be aware the other person may have more pressing things to attend to than your call.

There are others but these are the three most that stand out the most. I'm sure I'll address others in the future...

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