03 November 2008

Vote For McCain: My Last, Best Shot

For the last 10 months, I have been blogging, thinking, reading and talking a lot about this election. My guy, Romney, didn't make it past the primaries. But that's OK, I'm pretty happy with the one we've got.

Much of the case I have been making over the last few months has been against Barack Obama. It's important because I don't think he is qualified on any number of levels--experience (he has none), judgment (opposing The Surge, his Chicago friendships), etc., and because I don't like his politics. His policies reflect the most socialist agenda this country has seen FDR. He wants the government to take more of your money and in exchange, he'll take over your health care, your mortgage, and more.

Long story short, Barack Obama is in favor of expanding the nanny-state. This is a move that will include more hand-outs and goodies, but which encroaches on individual liberty. It is a worldview against which I am firmly opposed. Additionally, I cannot abide Obama's pro-abortion position.

But this election is more than an opportunity to vote against Barack Obama, it's a chance to vote for John McCain. Whatever else you know about John McCain, know this: John McCain is a real American hero. He's not a hero just because he was a POW, he's an American hero because of how he responded to that 5-and-a-half year hell. They offered to have a doctor treat his multiple injuries if he would give up secrets and denounce the war, he refused. He was in solitary confinement for 2 years.

Like Fred Thompson said at the RNC, "John knows something about hope, that's all he had." Given the opportunity to leave early, ahead of those who had arrived before him, John turned them down flatly, out of honor. They broke his ribs and teeth in punishment. Instead of giving up secrets while being beaten, John gave them the o-line of the Green Bay Packers.

These experiences reveal something to us about John McCain: When the times are tough and painful and there seems to be very little hope, John McCain will do the right thing.

For me, personally, nothing exemplifies this better than John McCain's support of The Surge. When everyone else was jumping ship to save their political lives, John McCain argued forcefully and persuasively in favor of The Surge. Almost alone, John stood up for the troops who have fought, bled and died in Iraq. He ensured that their sacrifice would not be for nothing. Against the odds and to the surprise of Obama and others, The Surge has been wildly successful. Iraq should now become a peaceful, democratic ally of the United States. In large measure, we have John McCain to thank for this development.

John McCain has shown, in a small hut in North Vietnam and in the United States Senate that he is willing and able to make the right choice, regardless of how it may hurt him personally and politically. He will always do what is best for this country. He has always served and loved this country.

Much to the chagrin of many conservatives, John McCain has often partnered with Democrats to craft legislation that we do not like. I don't say this to persuade Republicans, but to persuade Independents and reasonable liberals. Those who argue that John McCain is a "right-wing nut" or has adopted extreme positions, either doesn't know what they are talking about, or is so far left politically, that moderate positions have become extreme to them.

Senator McCain is a conservative, but conservatism is probably not his guiding political principle. I believe his overarching, highest order principle is honor. In all things John McCain is honorable. If he says he will do something, you can take that to the bank. It is as good as done. You can count on John McCain.

I don't agree with Senator McCain on everything. I'm frustrated by tendency towards populism and strongly dislike his co-sponsored campaign finance reform. But I know that he doesn't take these positions (populist though they may be), that he hasn't passed this legislation, because it is popular or designed to get him elected. I trust John McCain to do what he says and to always act in good faith. I do not similarly trust Barack Obama.

Senator McCain sees this country the way Ronald Reagan did--as a city on a hill, a beacon of liberty and freedom, a land of opportunity and goodness. Sure, John and I will both admit, we--collectively speaking of America--have our problems, but America is not fundamentally flawed and in need of the wholesale change Barack Obama has promised. We do not need to adopt new, foreign ideals. We do not need to change the notion of the American dream.

We simply need to return to original principles and ideals--ideals and principles which were laid out clearly in the Contitution--a document which limits government and guarantees individual liberty--and the Declaration of Independence--a singular work that derives our rights as Americans as being endowed by our creator, being, in essence, things which could be neither given, nor taken away by any government. They cannot be taken away and are not government-given because they are our inalienable, God-given rights.

This is John McCain's vision of America--fundamentally good and often great, a beacon of hope, liberty, and opportunity.

This is the America I see and the one in which I believe.

For this reason and many more, I urge you to join with me in voting for John Mccain.

If you have tips, questions, comments or suggestions, email me at lybberty@gmail.com.
