05 February 2008

Neverending Super Tuesday

Like yesterday's post about John McCain, we've got a number of disjointed thoughts about Super Tuesday and the race in general. We couldn't fit it all into one, coherent post, and we wanted to be able to update it throughout the day, so we're going to semi-regularly update this post for the rest of the night. Check back often.

(scroll down for updates)

- On the way back from Alta, we listened to the Sean Hannity show. Sean, as many of you know, has become an ardent Romney supporter. He couldn't stop talking about the smoke-filled, back room deal between Mike Huckabee and John McCain in West Virginia. Of course what they did was legal and a part of both parties' political history, but that doesn't mean that anyone has to like it.

- John McCain consistently misrepresents Mitt Romney's position. Before Florida he tried to convince voters Romney would set a withdrawal date for troops in Iraq. Either he was being disingenuous or he is too stupid to understand a simple sentence. Since we think Senator McCain is a smart man, we vote for the former.

McCain is at it again.

Supposedly by comparing John McCain's candidacy to Bob Dole's--the fact that Dole was also viewed as next-in-line and eventually lost--Mitt Romney is supposed to have disparaged Dole's military hero status and his service to America. We listened to Romney's comments and our considered response is: yeah, right.

Talk about a wilful suspension of basic listening skills. There was nothing that could have been construed as a criticism of Dole's military service. Zilch.

There is plenty of room for McCain to criticize Romney about his record. He doesn't need to be deceitful. In our eyes, this man of principle loses a bit of his luster.

*Update 6:29pm MST: Looks like Arizona is tighter than McCain would like. Jim Geraghty (see the link) reports that anti-amnesty folks and Mormons are coming out in support of Romney. If Evangelicals, African-Americans, and women can play identity politics, why can't Mormons?

**Update 10:25pm MST: We said our piece at the Provo City Council meeting. Property rights, liberty and the unintended consequences and costs of regulation--we think we may have been a little too theoretical. 3 members of the council responded to our comments. Their responses ranged from mildly interested, to lecturing, to completely dismissive.

Afterwards we commented for a story to appear in tomorrow's edition of the Salt Lake Tribune. We also appeared on camera for BYU's noon o'clock news show. Be sure to tune in.

Yes, we are a media whore.

***Update 11:12pm MST: How 'bout that Mike Huckabee?

****Update 11:29pm MST: Jane Fleming Kleeb of the Young Voter PAC and some gimmicky MTV get-out-the-vote thing is the single most irritating/annoying/shrill liberal commentator on television.

Yes, Jane, the surge is working.

If you have tips, questions, comments, suggestions, or requests for subscription only articles, email us at lybberty@gmail.com.


Anonymous said...

I checked back often but nothing new ever came. Were you too depressed watching Romney get his ass handed to him by Huckabee? Or was it that you realized what no one would report- Evangelicals won't vote for a Mormon.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it was because he was at the Provo Council meeting like me?

Anonymous said...

Generally speaking, Evangelical "Christians" hate Mormons. It's as simple as that. Lou Dobbs is correct. Any EC with half a brain knows that Huckabeast has no chance to win the election, yet they'd rather vote for him than a dirty Mormon. A vote for the beast is a vote for Juan Mexicain.

Chris and Mari Spiker said...

Romney's Mormonism is not why he lost the nomination. Polls suggest that anti-mormon bias is relatively small. See http://www.gallup.com/poll/103150/Percentage-Unwilling-Vote-Mormon-Holds-Steady.aspx

In fact, polls suggest that there is greater bias against those who are married for a third time, those who are 72 years old, gays, and atheists.

If anything, LDS people are far more biased than evangelicals. Romney received nearly 90% of the votes in Utah. Meanwhile, evangelicals split their vote relatively evenly between three candidates.
