12 June 2009

What A Return To The '70's Looks Like

[W]e've largely forgotten our most recent brush with raging peacetime inflation, the 1970s. Although nothing like Germany's in the 1920s, ours was nonetheless powerful enough to be more dispiriting and more transformative of our culture than any stretch of post-World War II recession has been. It's probably not a coincidence that America began its long transformation from a nation of savers to one of consumers and debtors just after the inflation of the 1970s. . . .

To people who've worked their whole lives playing by the rules, that is, to the majority of adult Americans in the early 1970s, inflation at the hands of wayward government policy seemed to be a betrayal. People who had been thriftiest watched down payments for buying a home disappear, college savings accounts shrivel, retirement nest eggs vanish, the value of monthly pension checks shrink. Harvard Business School Professor Samuel Hayes recounted the damage to a relative of his in a magazine story: "He was the epitome of the Protestant ethic. He had inherited money, he had saved, he was very frugal, had a very modest house, had part of his investment money in bonds and short-term securities, had always maintained liquidity. And he came out of the Seventies looking like a fool."
This is no time to be responsible and save money. The Lesson, as always, taken from President Obama, get into as much (cheap) debt as possible and inflate your way out.

If you have tips, questions, comments or suggestions, email me at lybberty@gmail.com.
